Banking Toolkits
Audience: Member Association Correspondents The Banking Working Group and the Banking Education Interest Group (of the Education Committee) have over the past 18 months been working on banking toolkits to assist IAA member organizations who wish to develop their banking practice areas. The working groups are pleased to announce that these documents have now been finalized and are now available on the IAA website. Actuarial Banking Practice Development Toolkit - The IAA Banking Working Group, in conjunction with the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA), has developed this Banking Toolkit to assist member associations in developing actuarial banking communities. These communities are expected to drive initiatives to support actuaries interested in entering and adding value in the banking sector in their jurisdictions. This Toolkit provides an instructional approach on how to build these communities and develop a firm comprehension of the industry. The information provided is based on the experiences of ASSA’s Banking Committee and the IAA Banking Working Group. Banking Education Toolkit - This Banking Education Toolkit has been developed by the Banking Education Interest Group which reports back to the IAA Education Committee and the IAA Banking Working Group. It has been prepared in response to the development of Banking as an emerging practice area for actuaries globally and sets out a guideline curriculum of topics that may be included in a banking education program. This education toolkit has been developed as a result of recognising that different jurisdictions are at different stages of development of banking as a practice area and that guidance on education and continuous professional development issues could be useful to facilitate the further development of actuarial banking education in different jurisdictions. These documents are available to organizations interested in developing their banking practice, should they wish to use it as a template. IAA member associations are not required to adopt or comply with these toolkits. In case of any questions, please contact Michael Tichareva or Andrew Gladwin.
Mortality Working Group Update
The Mortality Working Group (MWG) is pleased to announce that the Mortality Working Group Update #13 has been released following the MWG meetings in Washington D.C. in May 2019. The Update is available in 13 languages. Feel free to share this information with interested parties. In case of any questions or suggestions, please write to: iaamwg@actuaries.org
Brian Ridsdale, Chair
SAVE THE DATE! Seminar on Longevity Inside and Outside Japan
Audience: All A joint seminar hosted by the IAA’s Population Issues and Mortality Working Group will be held on Sunday, 17 November 2019 from 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm at Yebisu Garden Place, Tokyo Japan.
Registration for the Seminar will open with the IAA meeting registrations.
The program will be announced at a later date.
Request for August Newsletter Submissions
Audience: Member Association Correspondents; Chairpersons of IAA Committees, Sections and Working Groups, Patrons The next regular IAA newsletter will be issued at the end of August. If your group has any news or events of international interest for this issue, please send your article(s) by August 9th to newslettersubmissions@ Note to Member Associations: We are seeking member associations interested in being featured in our “MEET THE ASSOCIATION” section in upcoming Newsletter issues. If you are interested, please submit your interest to newslettersubmissions@ Note to Chairpersons: Please provide us with any presentations made to external organizations by members of your committee/group/section, or of any planned presentations. Please also convey news from any task forces, working groups or subcommittees reporting to your committee. If you would like to submit an article but do not have time to write it, please ask your vice-chair(s) to help you out.