1. The CERA (Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary) certification has been internationally recognized and will be highly
demanded in Taiwan
● CERA originated from the SOA (Society of Actuaries) of the United States. It was promoted to be an international
certification in 2009 by the agreement between SOA and the actuarial profession bodies in thirteen countries by
establishing the global institution - CERA Global Association (CGA).
● The importance of risk management is well recognized due to constant changes in politics, economies, and
natural environments. Qualified risk managers are thus highly demanded but short of supplies. There are about
sixty thousand certified actuaries around the world, but the number of CERA has not yet reached five thousand.
Your students will have advantages by large in their career developments if they start preparing for the CERA
2. Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei (AICT) is one of the Actuarial Associations in the world that could award CERA
certification. We hold related examinations and seminars in Taipei as well as offer consulting about the certification.
Please visit CERA Certificate Introduction for more information.