This is the fifth of a series of papers being developed by the IAA Climate Risk Task Force as a deliverable in the Statement of Intent for IAA Activities on Climate-related Risks (SOI) adopted by the IAA Council on 7 May 2020. The previous papers published in this series are available on the IAA website at Climate Issues (actuaries.org).
Other papers to expect in the series are:
‧ A paper on the potential effects of transition and adaptation steps.
‧ A paper on the link between climate-related risk scenarios and social security.
‧ A paper on the review of existing IAA publications (e.g., model standards, educational materials) relating to IFRS and IAIS topics to identify and address any climate risk related gaps.
If you have any comment on this ED, please provide your feedback to the Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei. We will collect all reponses and conclude these feedback to IAA. You are kindly requested to use the Comment Template to provide your feedback (do not insert comments into the paper or the Glossary) and e-mail your comments to airc.org@gmail.com.
Please note the separate Glossary accompanying this paper, which the IAA will update as further papers on climate-related risks are developed.