Member Fee: NT$ 1500
Non-Member Fee: NT$ 2000
This grand annual event is the joint international seminar organized by the Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei, AICT and Casualty Actuarial Society, CAS.
The content is quite rich including a two-day Seminar, Sep.14 & Sep. 15.
The subjects will be property and health insurance related for each day, respectively. Applicants can register for only one day or two days according to their professional fields-
9/15 Seminar- Health insurance related, the lecturers will share the application of financial technology in health insurance and practical experience and cases in marketing. The lecturers will also provide theri insights and opinions on issues such as the development trend of health insurance in the United States and COVID-19, as a reference for the future business development of Taiwan.
※Given the current world-wide situation with COVID-19, this seminar is going webinar / virtual throuhg WebEx instead of in-person mode. The software operation manual and preperation will be attached to the "Pre-Seminar notification" email to the registers.
For more information about the Joint Seminar, please refer to ▎2020 AICT/CAS Joint Property/Casualty and Health Actuarial Seminar |
Agenda | Day2 Seminar | Pre-webinar Reminder | AICT Secretariat